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Welcome to SailNavSim, a virtual sailing navigation simulator where you can sail and race with your friends and others online. Go to the help page to read more about it, or scroll below to get started...

Quick Start
Go to Your Boat
Join Race
Create Race

Quick Start

Create a quick single-player race with some randomly selected parameters.

Your name:

Boat type:

Go to Your Boat

If you already have a boat key, go to your boat details and controls page. To get a boat key, join or create a race.

Your boat key:

Join Race

If you have an existing race ID for a race which hasn't yet started, use it here to join the race. If you don't have a race ID, create a new race or try joining an upcoming public race.

Existing race ID:

Create Race

Create a custom single-player or multiplayer race where you can invite others to join.

Your name:

Starting position (input decimal degrees)

Finishing bounding box (input decimal degrees)
Min latitude: > southwest corner
Min longitude:
Max latitude: > northeast corner
Max longitude:
Require landing to finish?:

Waypoint bounding boxes (optional)
Enter up to three waypoint bounding boxes (input decimal degrees):
Waypoint 1
Min lat: > SW corner
Min lon:
Max lat: > NE corner
Max lon:
Waypoint 2
Min lat: > SW corner
Min lon:
Max lat: > NE corner
Max lon:
Waypoint 3
Min lat: > SW corner
Min lon:
Max lat: > NE corner
Max lon:

Boat type:
Enable boat damage?: • damaged boats slow down; damage is taken when winds gust above threshold (45 or 55 kts, depending on boat type), and repaired when below 25 kts
Apparent wind for damage?:  ↳ damage is affected by apparent wind gusts instead of true wind gusts
Enable wave resistance?: • waves reduce boat speed; higher waves slow boats more, and smaller boats are more affected
Celestial navigation?: • no geographic coordinates where land not visible; with magnetic compass; celestial sights (Sun and stars) shot when available
Waves affect celestial sights?:  ↳ waves reduce celestial sight accuracy; larger waves cause larger errors
Hide nearby boats in live mode?: • removes ability to obtain and view live data for nearby boats
Race start time:
Position sharing interval: - how often boat positions are shared among members in race (ignored in celestial navigation mode)
Make race private?: - won't show your race on the public upcoming races page
Short race description:
optional, max 80 characters
Private message to race joiners:
optional, max 800 characters